Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

Task 8th Meeting

Why Teens Smoke Cigarettes

Now this era, is no stranger to see teenagers smoking. Smoking behavior had started in childhood and adolescence. Almost partly understood due to the dangers of smoking. Although everyone knows the dangers that will result from smoking, but smoking behaviors have not decreased and appears to be a behavior that is tolerated by society. Cigarette tobacco is rolled or rolled-up paper rolls, usually smoked one after the burnt ends. Only with burn and smoke a cigarette alone, can be produced more than 4000 types of chemicals. 400 of them are poisonous and 40 of them can accumulate in the body and can cause cancer. Two of them are addictive nature of nicotine and tar which are carcinogenic. Nowadays a lot of teenager cigarette consumption in this case because :
First, because influence of the association. Factor is exactly what the most influential and vital. Lots of students or teenagers who are still in middle school or high school who started smoking when invited by her friends. interaction with peers both in school and outside of school was a more dominant cause a student to smoke. Those who had never smoked, while hanging out with friends who smoke are usually more easily influenced and smoking bandwagon. They are not confident when the time hanging out with friends who smoke, do not participate smoke. Especially when that is in charge or who is considered a leader in a group of friends is a student smoker, chances are that others will also be permitted. Even smoking together are considered a form of solidarity. A pack of cigarettes is divided, even one cigarette smoked together interchangeably. Students who do not always carry cigarettes and cigarettes on his stingy giving considered more "whew" than others . Cigarette ad with the tag "Without you not crowd (Gak Ada Lo Gak Rame) " May also be derived from the interaction phenomena .
The second because they feel more manly than nonsmokers. In the association of students, those who smoke often identified with the hero, because not many students who dared to smoke albeit clandestinely. Students who smoke find themselves bravely against the rules of the school, it will indirectly cause awe or fear among his friends who do not smoke.
Thirdly because they feel stress. Quite a lot of students who smoke because they feel stressed due to problems experienced such problems with parents, boyfriends or trouble with teachers and lessons. Smoking became a breakout. This is more easily done by students who have friends who smoke. Although at first they endure not to smoke in the middle of the student association of smoking, but when they are experiencing problems will eventually smoke. Usually the desire to smoke is coming because he saw his friend who smokes really enjoy and look satisfied. Finally tempted to want to feel the same way. When the first new cigarette taste obviously would not feel the same pleasure that makes curious and keep trying until smoking addiction. Because it is a feeling enjoy smoking occurs if a person has an addiction.
And the last because Influence of Parents / Families. Most of my friends who smoke comes from a family of heavy smokers. Typically father, grandfather, uncle, brother or someone who lives one house is a heavy smoker. They lighten up smoking in the house even though there is a baby, child, teenager who was near them. So it is not so surprising that the student friends easily influenced to smoke, even though the parents at home smoking ban them even angry when caught smoking.

In adolescence, smoking may cause short-term effects, such as interference with the respiratory system, addiction to nicotine, as well as increasing the risk for using other dangerous hazards, such as drugs, etc. While the long-term problem is the fact that once a smoker becomes active, usually will continue to be an active smoker all his life. Of course this will cause a lot of adverse effects on health.

Well, that's all my text expository about why teens smoke cigarette. Happy to read :)

Jumat, 16 Mei 2014

Task 7th Meeting


Each person always have an Idol or a person who is admired. Why do people have Idols because they like the face, attitude, style, etc. of those who admired. To see the good side of  Idol, Idol sometimes can be a motivation or guidance in behave.

So it is with me, the person who became my Idol or a person I admire is my own Mother, because I love all the personality she has. I think my Mother is beautiful. She is not tall but not short, and she has curly hair and brown. Her eyes color are like honey and her color skin color light brown, and she has a beautiful smile. Her weight likes 120 lbs. he is a very kind person. She is very lovely, friendly, patient, and she loves to help people. I love my mom, because she is a good example to me. She loves being in the Church, and she loves sing and dance too. She is a very good child, wife and mother. She always takes care of her family. She likes her house to be clean and organized. She a very organized person, and all things in the house are in the right place. She doesn't like messes. She always has a smile on her face. She is so sweet and lovely. I like when I am going to sleep or went I wake up or when I am going to go to some places, she always give me a kiss, and when the family have a problem she always be with us to helps us and to give us all her love.

            Mother is like angel to child or family. Mother is woman who will stay home 24 hours of the day, 7 days out of the week to be with her children and raise them, watch them grow, and nurture their lives every waking moment of the day. Mother is a woman who is willing to leave the home and work to support her family, to climb through corporate ladders or simply ring up customers at a local store to bring home financial gains for her family so that she knows they are secure and taken care of in the lifestyle she believes they should have. Neither is wrong. A Mother will sacrifice everything and anything for her children and family - no matter what the cost or sacrifice. A Mother will love her children unconditionally and support them through their lives to let them know that they are so loved. A Mother will care for her children and give them her absolute PERSONAL best - not what society or others say she should do, but rather what she can personally provide and do for her children so long as it is the absolute best she can give them. A Mother will teach her children to love. A Mother will protect her child no matter what the personal cost. She do all that just for children and families without expecting any of his children because she did full sincerity. That's the thing that impressed me to a mother, my own mother. I love my mother. My mother is my angel. :*

Very well, that's all about a person I admire. Happy to read. :)